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Meta's Conversions API (CAPI): The Quick Win to Activate!

CAPI significantly improves advertising campaign performance by utilizing Meta's machine learning capabilities.

Written by Jérémy Jeziorny On 05/06/2024

For some time now, agencies and advertisers have noticed a significant and continuous increase in the cost per click (CPC) of their advertising campaigns on Facebook. This trend is explained by several factors, including increased competition among advertisers, but mainly by a significant reduction in the volume of data shared with Meta. Ad blockers, GDPR, new web browser protection mechanisms, and iOS14 have significantly reduced traditional data collection through cookies.

To address these new privacy constraints, advertising platforms have developed more sophisticated conversion tracking features, allowing advertisers to use first-party data while respecting user privacy.

What is CAPI?

CAPI, or Conversions API, is a powerful tool provided by Meta that allows you to send conversion events directly from your server to Facebook. It complements the traditional Meta pixel by capturing data when the pixel cannot be activated, such as for purchases made via mobile apps or conversions by users who have disabled cookies. When Meta receives a server event, it checks if there is a corresponding browser event. If the browser event is blocked (e.g., due to ad blockers), Meta will use the server event instead. CAPI supports a wide range of event types and parameters, giving you great flexibility to track various conversion actions and customize the data you send.

Why use CAPI?

Improved Campaign Performance

CAPI significantly improves the performance of advertising campaigns by leveraging Meta's machine learning capabilities. By providing more accurate and complete conversion data, CAPI allows the machine learning algorithm to function more efficiently (increase your conversions ↗️, reduce your acquisition costs ↘️, better allocate your budgets..💰) and also feed your custom audiences faster.

The Disappearance of Third-Party Cookies and the Importance of CAPI

Third-party cookies are destined to disappear due to growing concerns about data privacy and regulatory changes worldwide. Major web browsers, like Google Chrome, have already announced their intention to phase out third-party cookies. This evolution poses a major challenge for traditional advertising strategies that heavily rely on these cookies for user tracking and ad personalization. In this context, using CAPI represents a modern and proactive solution. Adopting CAPI now (before transitioning to a complete server-side tagging solution) will allow you to adapt to new privacy standards while continuing to optimize your advertising campaigns effectively.

How to Implement CAPI?

Partner Integration:

Integration via a partner is often the simplest and quickest method to set up CAPI. Many CMS platforms (Shopify, WordPress…) offer direct integrations with Facebook's CAPI with just a few clicks.

Manual Integration

Probably the most "complex" but also the most comprehensive integration method. This will likely require the involvement of a developer (unless you have the necessary knowledge). You will need to create an access token, configure your events, implement the API...

External Tools (Stape)

There are numerous tools simplifying the implementation of CAPI, such as Stape, which allows you to set up CAPI very quickly (for $10 per month per pixel). It’s the perfect solution for agencies and freelancers managing multiple pixels in a business manager.

How Long Does It Take to Implement CAPI?

Our experts only need a few hours to set up this solution for an immediate effect.

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